Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thing worth living for:

- chocolate
- sunshine
- love
- music
- flour fights
- best friends
- singing
- running through sprinklers
- puppies
- smiles&laughs
- finger painting
- dancing on the kitchen floor
- weddings
- blueberry muffins
- family&hugs
- unexpected kisses
- thunderstorms
- the oceans
- ice cream
- the smell of vanilla
- holding hands
- whispering late at night
- silly photos
- yoga
- blankets&stuffed animals
- warm milk and honey
- lotion
- chapstick
- nail polish
- rain
- spinning in circles
- rainbows
- forgiveness
- innocence
- birthdays
- travel
- pulling all-nighters
- books
- long summer night walks
- laying in soft grass
- snow angels
- love, oh wait did I already mention that?


xoxo, love always,
Blakely Jane Chance

Friday, May 27, 2011

Oh life -

Sometimes, I, just as everyone else, get down in life. You have one of those days or one of those weeks and for some reason no matter how great life is you can't seem to put a smile on your face. Whether it starts out badly in the morning with burnt toast or slowly progresses into a shallow depression through small incidents doesn't matter; it is universal: the blues. I happen to currently be in the blues. It's never the best time but it does offer a learning experience. For some reason I always want to be alone and silent, surrounded by things that comfort me. I think a lot and right now as I think I try to look at things positively. I slowly climb out of my comfortable-blues-bubble. It's always important to keep your chin up when you least feel like it. Always remember that when you hit rock bottom, you bounce. So, look for the light at the end of tunnel and keep on pushing forward, life has a way of surprising you!

xoxo, love always,
Blakely Jane Chance

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My song of the month! Love Adele so much, I would smoke twenty packs a day to have a voice like that. Ignore the sadness and look at the message of moving on: gotta say it sure has helped me through my break up, but that story is for another time and post! 

xoxo, love always,
Blakely Jane Chance

One of the BEST recipes ever!!

Oh how I love a treat that can be whipped up in about 15 minutes.  My boys and their buddies couldn’t get enough of these Chewy Oreo Bars we had as an after school snack this week.  Sometimes my spontaneous recipe creations turn out to be the most fun, lol!
Yes you use an entire package of Oreo Cookies, but what you get in return is a marshmallow-y Oreo treat that is worth every bite 
Surprise the kids (and yourself) with this one, they’ll be all smiles, Enjoy!
3 whole ingredients.  I know, tricky 
Break out your Cookies!
Place them all in the food processor or blender and mix until ground.
Like so.
Melt the butter and marshmallows into a large bowl until puffed.
You’ll get a little something like this 
Working quickly, pour in your ground cookies.
Mix, mix and mix 
You’ll get  a gooey mess….that’s delish!
Transfer to an 8×8 inch baking pan and let set for about 10 minutes.
Cut into squares and indulge 

No-Bake Chewy Cookies and Cream Bars

One 16 oz package of Oreo
5 cups Large Marshmallows
4 tablespoons butter
1.  Place Oreos in food processor and pulse until ground.  Melt marshmallows and butter in microwave until puffed, about 1 1/2- 2 minutes.  Remove and pour in ground Oreo Cookies.  Stir to combine then transfer to a foil lined 8×8 inch baking pan.  Let set up for 10 minutes.  Remove bars out of pan with edges of foil and cut into squares.
Makes 9 large bars

Just a life lesson:

To be happy for yourself does not cause as much satisfaction as being happy for the people you love most. Today I learned just how true this is. My best friend made it into the top choir at our school and was ecstatic because she wanted it more than anything and had worked harder than anyone for it. When she heard the news we cried together we were so happy! I couldn't have imagined I could ever feel so happy for someone else but standing there hugging her was one of the best feelings I've ever had. I realized that being happy for myself making it into the choir would not come anywhere to close to how good it felt to rejoice with her in her success. In that moment when she made it I could have chosen to be jealous but instead I turned myself around and looked at things from the purest way possible. I love her, she is happy, therefore, I am happy! Envy is an ugly thing and creates such unrest in people. It's high time that we all start being thankful for the things we have and support the things that others have because that is truly beautiful! Not everyone can be good at everything, it has been a profound part of my year to realize and accept this and since I have I have come a long way. It is such a release to be okay with what you have and to shine with what your given. Above all, it is important to be at peace with yourself. Being happy for my best friend today gave me the inner peace I have been craving. Next time you have a choice between rejoicing or being jealous and sorry for yourself: take the high road and rejoice! It will pay off later, I promise you!

xoxo, love always,
Blakely Jane Chance

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Top 100 most beautiful words in the English dictionary:

Ailurophile A cat-lover.
Assemblage A gathering.
Becoming Attractive.
Beleaguer To exhaust with attacks.
Brood To think alone.
Bucolic In a lovely rural setting.
Bungalow A small, cozy cottage.
Chatoyant Like a cat’s eye.
Comely Attractive.
Conflate To blend together.
Cynosure A focal point of admiration.
Dalliance A brief love affair.
Demesne Dominion, territory.
Demure Shy and reserved.
Denouement The resolution of a mystery.
Desuetude Disuse.
Desultory Slow, sluggish.
Diaphanous Filmy.
Dissemble Deceive.
Dulcet Sweet, sugary.
Ebullience Bubbling enthusiasm.
Effervescent Bubbly.
Efflorescence Flowering, blooming.
Elision Dropping a sound or syllable in a word.
Elixir A good potion.
Eloquence Beauty and persuasion in speech.
Embrocation Rubbing on a lotion.
Emollient A softener.
Ephemeral Short-lived.
Epiphany A sudden revelation.
Erstwhile At one time, for a time.
Ethereal Gaseous, invisible but detectable.
Evanescent Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.
Evocative Suggestive.
Fetching Pretty.
Felicity Pleasantness.
Forbearance Withholding response to provocation.
Fugacious Fleeting.
Furtive Shifty, sneaky.
Gambol To skip or leap about joyfully.
Glamour Beauty.
Gossamer The finest piece of thread, a spider’s silk.
Halcyon Happy, sunny, care-free.
Harbinger Messenger with news of the future.
Imbrication Overlapping and forming a regular pattern.
Imbroglio An altercation or complicated situation.
Imbue To infuse, instill.
Incipient Beginning, in an early stage.
Ineffable Unutterable, inexpressible.
Ingénue A naïve young woman.
Inglenook A cozy nook by the hearth.
Insouciance Blithe nonchalance.
Inure To become jaded.
Labyrinthine Twisting and turning.
Lagniappe A special kind of gift.
Lagoon A small gulf or inlet.
Languor Listlessness, inactivity.
Lassitude Weariness, listlessness.
Leisure Free time.
Lilt To move musically or lively.
Lissome Slender and graceful.
Lithe Slender and flexible.
Love Deep affection.
Mellifluous Sweet sounding.
Moiety One of two equal parts.
Mondegreen A slip of the ear.
Murmurous Murmuring.
Nemesis An unconquerable archenemy.
Offing The sea between the horizon and the offshore.
Onomatopoeia A word that sounds like its meaning.
Opulent Lush, luxuriant.
Palimpsest A manuscript written over earlier ones.
Panacea A solution for all problems
Panoply A complete set.
Pastiche An art work combining materials from various sources.
Penumbra A half-shadow.
Petrichor The smell of earth after rain.
Plethora A large quantity.
Propinquity Proximity; Nearness
Pyrrhic Successful with heavy losses.
Quintessential Most essential.
Ratatouille A spicy French stew.
Ravel To knit or unknit.
Redolent Fragrant.
Riparian By the bank of a stream.
Ripple A very small wave.
Scintilla A spark or very small thing.
Sempiternal Eternal.
Seraglio Rich, luxurious oriental palace or harem.
Serendipity Finding something nice while looking for something else.
Summery Light, delicate or warm and sunny.
Sumptuous Lush, luxurious.
Surreptitious Secretive, sneaky.
Susquehanna A river in Pennsylvania.
Susurrous Whispering, hissing.
Talisman A good luck charm.
Tintinnabulation Tinkling.
Umbrella Protection from sun or rain.
Untoward Unseemly, inappropriate.
Vestigial In trace amounts.
Wafture Waving.
Wherewithal The means.
Woebegone Sorrowful, downcast.

If you're looking for a laugh...

Something timeless and classy

Wednesday - May 25, 2011

So here I am! I, like many others who create blogs, am looking for something new to do with my life, something exciting, so, as I said, here I am. I realize that most people don't want to hear about another sad life story so I have vowed to be different. Different in the sense that what I will have to offer. I will bring uplifting, funny, creative, colorful, elements to this blog and make it something to talk about or share. I hope to bring a small corner of sun to everyone who reads this. I think of it as my little plant, plant it, water it, give it sunlight and love and hope to god that it grows to be something more than just a weed. How could I possibly accomplish this? If it's one thing I've learned it's that the world is a scary place, a big, scary place. I feel that most of us go through life fearing the unfathomable number of things that could go wrong. So, it's time that someone brings something sweet, light, and easy to the front. That person can be me. If you're looking for stories and pictures and art and lists and beauty and most importantly: brilliant reality, then you are in the right place my friend.

Now I suppose this is my first post which makes me nervous. I feel like this is a warm-up, the pretext to this... journey. I'm feeling that feeling where I can't just jump into my first steps of "generating sun" right off of my introduction so you must grant me a second chance and stop those eyes from rolling and sighs from escaping as you realize just how big of a rookie I am when it comes to this. Thank you for being patient and just you wait for what could be the start of something you'll never forget!